Content strategy

internal website concept

About this sample

I played a significant role in the development of an interactive self-assessment concept for the redesigned Career & Development intranet site for Wells Fargo Corporate HR. The copy featured here is an excerpt of that concept.

My team had deliberated for several weeks about how to present five self-assessments currently available to Wells Fargo team members. I was tasked to consolidate the five assessments into 10 simple questions. I completed the task within three hours. The concept was well received in rapid prototype testing with team members. Much of the initial copy I developed for the concept will now be part of our upcoming usability testing.

Copy excerpt


Am I happy in my current job? Am I meeting a real need? Am I growing in a way that satisfies me?

Finding answers to these questions may take some time, but it’s time well spent. When you understand yourself on this deeper level, you’ll be more likely to find work that energizes you and makes an important contribution to Wells Fargo and your community.

Career assessment

Ready to explore your values, interests, work style, and purpose? Answer the following questions, then click Submit.

1. My values
Which of the following best describes your most important value at work?

Choose an answer:
[radio buttons]
1          Enjoying what I do
2          Being very good at what I do
3          Developing meaningful relationships
4          Learning, exploring, or trying something new
5          Having a sense of order, structure, and security
6          Being valued by others
7          Having opportunities to express and assert my personality
8          A combination of the above choices

2. My interests
Which of the following self-directed activities is of most interest to you?

Choose an answer:
[radio buttons]
1          Developing vision and strategy
2          Budgeting and investing
3          Designing and developing
4          Implementing and operating
5          Assessing and documenting
6          Partnering and collaborating

3. My work style
Which of the following attributes best describes your style at work?

Choose an answer:
[radio buttons]
1          Creative
2          Organized
3          Outgoing
4          Decisive

Thumbnail photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash