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About this sample

I acted as content strategist and writer for this Navigating Change project.

I reviewed all source content and worked closely with the senior content strategist to develop recommendations for the content strategy and content updates.

With support from the senior content strategist and web producer, I led 5 discussions with the (internal) clients to understand their reactions to our recommendations and seek feedback.

After we received client approval, I developed 8 copy decks that capture the approved content strategy and updates.

I published a new page on Manager Center to help managers lead their teams through change — important and timely information right now.

I also created 2 Best Bets for the change content.

Featured copy


Change is an inevitable part of life and work. It’s rarely easy — and it’s sometimes sudden — but you can take action now to navigate any future change successfully.

Starting in December 2015, new classes and tools will be available to educate team members about change and help managers engage and empower their teams to work through change effectively.

Classes will be available in a self-paced or virtual format, so you can easily fit them into your schedule. The virtual format, in particular, offers an opportunity to have meaningful discussions about change with other team members.

[H2] What to expect
Use the new classes and tools to:

–Understand how to lead yourself and the team through change and transition.

–Built trust and foster open and honest communication with your team members.

–Develop personal resilience.

–Find support for dealing with change and transition.

[H2] Check out the latest classes and tools
Below, you can find the latest classes and tools for navigating change.

[H3] Lead yourself
Develop the skills you need to lead yourself through change.

Preparing Yourself for Change quick reference guide. Prepare yourself for change by reflecting on what you know about the change, how you feel about it, and what control or influence you have over it. This guide features thought-provoking questions for you to consider or use in discussions with others.

Building Resilience quick reference guide. Build your resilience in times of change and transition. This guide provides activities, questions, and a self-assessment to help you reflect on your own reactions to change or discuss change with others.

[H3] Lead the team
Learn how to communicate about change and lead your team through any change or transition.

Leading Yourself Through Change and Transition meeting kit. Host a meeting with your team to prepare them for an upcoming change or transition. This guide provides tips and questions to help you lead a meaningful conversation.

Leading Discussions Before Change and Transition discussion guide. Start a conversation with your team members about an upcoming change or transition. This guide provides tips and questions to help you lead a meaningful conversation.

Leading Discussions During Change and Transition discussion guide. Communicate the latest details about a change or transition. This guide provides tips and questions to help you communicate effectively with your team throughout the change.

Communicating Change tool. Create a communication plan for an announced change or transition. This tool can help you identify key stakeholders, analyze how the change could impact them, and plan for the best communication methods according to your goal.

For more learning tools and resources, visit the Navigating Change [link] site.

Thumbnail photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash