UX writing & design

iPhone app concept

About this sample

I developed an iPhone app concept and a related case study for a graduate-level UX design course at the University of Washington in 2019.

For the app/case study, I completed the following artifacts using design principles, strategies, and tools:

  • User interviews
  • User journey map
  • Competitive teardown
  • Flowchart
  • Sketches
  • Wireframes
  • Digital prototype (in Figma)
  • Research plan and findings
  • Final case study

Case study excerpt

With 55 neighborhoods extending across 83 square miles, Seattle offers myriad things to do and explore. Yet we Seattlelites lack a good way to collect and share interesting events and places beyond our own neighborhoods. Local newspapers, magazines, neighborhood blogs, Yelp reviews, ads—these offer suggestions, but they’re often impersonal and unvetted. There’s no way to search activities according to our interests, save our favorites, and share with our networks.

A more robust neighborhood guide could bring Seattleites together, allow us to share knowledge about our neighborhoods, encourage city exploration, and support local businesses. This is the origin story of the MySeattle app.

See the case study and app prototype

Click the article image below to read the case study on Medium. The case study includes a look at the tasks and processes (i.e., the artifacts) I used to develop my app concept.

To go directly to the MySeattle app prototype, click the iPhone image below. Note that I designed the prototype for a usability test targeting specific use cases. Only some pages are designed and fully functioning.

Thumbnail photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash