
news story

About this sample

Earth Week is a major event for the Environmental Affairs team at Wells Fargo. The team has limited access to writers within Corporate Communications. My manager and I created the content strategy and content for their internal website, so we volunteered to offer additional writing services for Earth Week 2018.

I wrote the copy for this news story and an accompanying informational web page about Earth Week 2018.

The news story appeared at the top of the internal Environmental Sustainability site for several days leading up to Earth Week.

Featured copy


[Earth Week banner: 590×160]

On April 22, 2018, more than 1 billion people worldwide will gather to celebrate Earth Day. This annual event offers an opportunity to raise environmental awareness, commit to more sustainable actions, and volunteer in your local community.

The week leading up to Earth Day is Earth Week at Wells Fargo. From April 16 to 22, you can participate in fun activities to promote “greener” living and show your support for the company’s environmental initiatives.

Earth Week 2018 events include volunteer opportunities, daily themes with ideas for sustainable action, educational activities at Wells Fargo museums and cafes, Green Shirt Day, and a company-wide greener every day town hall.

For details about Earth Week activities and how to participate, see the Earth Week 2018 [link] page.

If you’d like to learn more about Earth Day and this year’s End Plastic Pollution theme, visit the Earth Day 2018 [link] website.

Submit your self-nomination for the greener every day award
During Earth Week, the Environmental Affairs team will announce Wells Fargo’s greener every day award recipient — one team member who demonstrated outstanding environmental leadership in 2017.

If you led or contributed to an environment-related cause last year, consider nominating your work for this award. It’s a great opportunity to share what you’re doing with others and celebrate your part in our corporate citizenship goal as a company.

The nomination period starts March 12. All nominations are due by April 9. Note that this is a self-nomination award — currently, you may nominate only your own environmental work.

For details about award eligibility, nomination instructions, and what the award includes, see the Greener Every Day Award [link] page.

In addition to this team member award, one Wells Fargo Green Team will receive an award based on their 2017 reported achievements in membership, volunteer hours, educational events, and communications. There’s no need to submit nominations for this award.

[right-rail sections]
Wells Fargo Earth Week 2018 [link]
Earth Day 2018 [link]
Greener Every Day Award [link]

Thumbnail photo by Booker Smith on Flickr